Danny Yong
Dan is an International Coaching Federation credentialled Professional Certified Coach with over 10 years of coaching experience. Academically he earned an MBA in Innovation Management from Helsinki School of Economics; as well attended advanced programs at INSEAD and the University of Hong Kong. He is a Certified Innovation Facilitator by Basadur Applied Creativity Canada.
He has been a Business and Executive Coach for 10 years, chalking up 2500+ coaching hours, when he coached some 50+ entrepreneurs and 150+ individuals. He has coached in the Cradle Fund’s Coach-to-Grow program for 8 years and was voted one of the top 3 coaches in the MDeC eUsahawan accelerator program. His executive coaching clients included those from Intel, GE Alstom, Nestle, Colgate Palmolive, Hitachi, Cisco, HP and more. He has coached start-ups and scale-ups from skincare, biotech, consumer retail, Islamic wear, OEM manufacturing, software development, design, construction equipment, tech, real estate and many more industries.
Dan has more than 20 years of corporate experience during which he managed 9 world no1 brands and started up many new brands in multiple markets. He managed a HKD200million business in Macau for the world no1 luxury company LVMH. He also built businesses in multiple countries across Asia during his 5 years in regional roles. During his career, he grew the champagne business in Singapore by 4 times in 5 years. He restarted a stuttering new brand and multiplied it by 19x.
Dan is the Chief Do-Everything Officer in his own start-up where that’s what being a CEO meant. He started a Singapore mathscentre in Malaysia that delivers at the highest standard, in its 7th year of operations. He founded and grew a start-up in Media Development to RM2 million+ turnover in just 3 years, even in a pandemic environment.
He believes entrepreneurship is a superpower that can be used to positively impact one’s environment. Dan does so through his Wanitaboleh site that connects women to women’s aid, jobs, and businesses – that has 120k hits so far. He has awarded grants worth RM300k to help ASEAN journalists pursue publicinterest journalism. He teaches political literacy to prepare Malaysian youths to vote in the next general election.
Email : [email protected]
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