Freddy Loo

Freddy is a Board Member, Advisor on AI and Digital, CEO Coach and Lecturer. With a robust 24-year tenure as a management consultant, Freddy stands out as a digital transformation pioneer. Not just theoretical, but his expertise built on real-world applications and practical know-hows.

Freddy has provided guidance for Fortune 500 companies and international conglomerates, leveraging digital technology for strategic advantage, fostering an agile mindset and creating organizational change.

His diverse career includes leading a digital team at Accenture, directing the Data and AI practice at EY, initiating new ventures at Fusionex and orchestrating a pivotal shift at Star Media Group as the Chief Analytics Officer. Freddy’s distinctive approach involves integrating external and innovative perspectives and an internal drive for transformation.

Freddy’s true strength lies in his hands-on experience in constructing digital teams from scratch – many times over and successfully. He has not only led teams successfully but also built multimillion businesses by sharing actionable insights from his vast experience. His top-notch leadership was instrumental in establishing Accenture’s Analytics team in Indonesia, developing EY’s Data and AI team in Malaysia and creating a profitable AI and Data consulting division at Fusionex.

As a Chief Analytics Officer, Freddy was pivotal in product development and transitioning the Star Media into a digital-first leader.

Freddy’s personal life is fascinating as well, whether it’s bee farming, brewing kombucha, running or scuba diving, he dives into his passions with zeal. Freddy’s philosophy is simple yet profound: Stay curious, stay present and lead a life of purpose.

Email : [email protected]

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